Andrian Wijaya
4 min readOct 20, 2020



Motivation is an abstract thing which will guide us towards our goal. It makes employees work at their maximum and so, an organization have higher chance to reach their main purpose. Basically, what makes them do their works with their full potential? They need something that energize them in order to make works directed.

To introduce, there’s some theory about motivation.

Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Abraham Maslow)

A theory which tell need of each person. As to motivate someone, we need to understand the level of a person’s need hierarchy to satisfy their needs.

  1. Phycological needs, human needs for foods, drink, and phycological-related need.
  2. Safety needs, human needs for security and protection.
  3. Social needs, human needs for affection and relationship.
  4. Esteem needs, human needs for status, recognition, and attention.
  5. Self-actualization needs, human needs to self-fulfillment of any purpose.

Theory X and theory Y (Douglas McGregor)

Theory X is about to see the negative side in which we see the unlikely story of a person (little ambition, dislike work, and avoid their responsibility). While theory Y is to see in the other hand, that they motivated to do their works, responsible, and less controlled to work effectively.

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory (Frederick Herzberg)

Herzberg divides into two factors, intrinsic factor (motivators) and extrinsic factor (hygiene factor). Intrinsic one conclude about job-satisfaction like people tended to acquire achievement, recognition, and admiration as they feel they good with their job. Besides, dissatisfaction of a job hampered by supervision, relationship within an organization, and company policy and administration as well.

Three-Needs Theory (David McClelland)

Three needs theory issued by David are:

  1. Need for Achievement. Drive people to do their best at work in order to challenge themself acquiring achievement.
  2. Need for Power. The need of people to make impression to others. However it is good to make people help achieving organization’s main purpose.
  3. Need for Affiliation. People would likely to make social relationship in a certain circle in which will help them to live their life at work.

Contemporary Theories of Motivation

Goal-Setting Theory

A research that stated that goal-setting, challenging goals, and feedback influence people’s work. Just in case these things are core to make people inside organization feel motivated.

Reinforcement Theory

A theory that acknowledge behavior is together with consequences. For example, undesirable behaviour will impact to workplace conflict. Simply, it has cause and effect.

Designing Motivating Jobs

Jobs are actually designed to be “interesting” to make people do their best. To achieve, managers should really think how to motivate their worker.

Job Enlargement

Job designed to be smaller and specialized with worker’s potential make people are bored. Why? They’re doing almost the same thing everyday everytime. Job enlargement eliminate the specializing job, so that worker has different task to do and stand a chance to be challenged. By doing so, workers has more variety task and become less bored.

Job Enrichment

Job enrichment increases job depth as they break their limit by doing manager’s work. This enriched job allow worker increase their responsibility.

Job Characterictic Model

There are five job dimension:

  1. Skill variety. This job requires variety of talent and skill in which let worker to show their ability.
  2. Task identity. A job requires completion of identifiable piece of work.
  3. Task significance. A job that has impact of other people.
  4. Autonomy.
  5. Feedback. Clear information about the worker’s work as job result.

Equity Theory

A theory about comparison between output and input from a worker. Output means what they gain from a job while input means what they offer to it.


A company become nothing as they do not have any worker. Thus, designing motivations are extremely important for organization in order to make their workers are fine to stand together and feel comfortable within the area. Currently people leave their job as they think they have boring job and is not equal to what they have given to the company. Besides, they think they have repeatedly life that somehow waste their time. This kind of thought must be eliminated in order to make their worker enjoy.

Personally, I always motivate myself for everything even a simple one of my life. As example when I’m playing a game, I challenge myself to achieve a certain level. By doing so, I’m motivated to do harder. This is not that important yet just a little execution of my life. The same thing applies to school life. When I have to be in one of top student. What actually motivates me? It’s simple. Just to get admiration. Even though they say numbers are just numbers, I don’t ever think so.

Motivations are somehow lead us to reach our goal. There’s no excuse when doing something hardly become futile after. I always motivated myself by saying “smarter, than yesterday”. The same thing will also be applied to my future co-worker, “be better than yesterday”. By doing so, we will try our best at things.

Reference: Robbins, Stephen P. & Mary A. Coulter. 2017. Management (Global Edition). Pearson.



Andrian Wijaya
Andrian Wijaya

Written by Andrian Wijaya


College student of Binus University @Bandung. Introduction to Entrepreneurship (LE02)

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